6 NORTHE=«N UNION REAPER years returned. Sins were eonfess- ed. wrongs were made vieht and the Lord's Spirit came into the church, Others who had backslid- den renewed their conseceration to the Master. Nine adult members were added to this c¢hureh, (wo by letter and seven by profession of faith. Others are in the bap- tismal class. Mrs. Gaede and I have been selling Biz Week books, but we find it more difficult than last Vear. Pray for the workers and the work here. G. P. Gaede. MINNESOTA OitMiee Address 154 Tobe Ave, = Pad Tedep dren Migeay =34] Presiden: - - - MT. Andreasen A Simouse Min. vitadaw Serta Trensrer pavadde to The iy ab Rou Mido wills ana levneies Conferirnes Aswed Adenine BIG WEEK AT MAPLEWOOD Then tn Monday evening, April 27. it was my privilece to join the Maple- wood family in their final are rangemets for the Bix Week Field Day. Brethren Dirksen and Molen dy had led out at chapel that day in an enthusiastic program en- couraging the students to take pars in the field day. As carly as 7:13 on the morning of the 28th autos bepan to depart in every direction bearing groups of students and teachers to their designated fields of work. More than seventy per- sons, including those of the fac: ulty who could leave and the conference workers, took part in this missionary day. The cars that were offered for use by the church members. and the presence of sev- eral of these with us were much appreciated. Toward evening the weary bw happy groups began lo returm. The last car did not return until When the returns were re- the usual “experience 8:30. ported at meeting,” it was found that nearly 500 books had been sold, which, considering the general tinaneicl depression. was fully as satisfae- tory as the 1930 effort, {houeh a few dollars short of the totals for that year. Worthy of mention is the fact that the highest individual stu- dent records were made by Olive Steele, Henry Peterson and by Roland Olbrick who last year fail- a to sil one book. We rnould not forget the spien- did sark lunches prepared hy the matron for cach of the field work- ors, nor the bountiful supper so much appreciated by the returning workers. The day was a profitable one for those taking part, and nouch ood should result from ithe distribution of this wood literature. H. J. Sheldon. Co - THE CHURCH AT DODGE CENTER No Providence preventing, woeek- cnid meetings will be held in Lhe Seventh-day Adventist chureh of Dodge Cerrter, Minn, May 15-17. Friday evening at 7:45 will be the first meeting. On Sabbath: Sab- bath school at 10°00 & om. preach- ing at 11:45 a. m.. again at 2:00 and 7:45 pom. The ast meeiine will be held Sunday nicht at 7:45. A cordial invitation {fo ailend these services is extended to all wile may wish to come. The sub jects presented will be of vital mmterest to alll Invite vour friends fn come with vou The brethren at Doduee Center will spare no ef- fort. to make {hese mectines wo SUCCESS, AA Dirksen. _— 0 — THE SCANDINAVIAN CHURCH IN ST. PAUL Last fall certain chonees wer made In conmeelion wiih the sery- ies of the St Poul Seandinavien church. This church is one of the oldes! in the conference and many vers avo itowas one of the lareest. The members of this chureh have oi- ways been amone our best, For several reasons the memboer- ship and attendanee have of lace vears dwindled until vo owias [eld that something had to be done to chanue the cide. The matter was taken up bv ihe church, and after a fal discussion It owas voted unanimously io eon- duct the Sabbath services in Lhe English language. Since that time Seventh-day Adventist Fomilics have attended onr services rooi- larly and have helped much. New life has come into the Sabbon school and home missionary work, are we now have oonice group of children and young people. The members are active in give me out Present Truth” and we [SERIA N| ETT S| hope some time te conde fe effort. Sabbath doptibe cortdneted jn Ve acl sehoe]l is Seancdinuciaon fay aiid afternoon of Eaeiish Sabbath anid Don. The Afarvland St. Paul Services in Foedieh oar sia located at Ge Puviie Ave TT choi, chore is StL near Tools - —43 MINNESOTA ITEMS The oflerine in the fee next Sabbah, Mey in tomary on the seed for local chureh expense PTUeI) re Pe gry Sabbath Miss Hophing ited tree mer Bes held af Hew iin over the by woenli-v nd, aod expels to visi the Feros Foas Sabbochy seul Muay We hope the cone ren Investment! plans Tor this ve owl conte to come Lous Sabbath school hr our covtironee and every d=olaled neaiber ison our Hs of fiveearors, We lok ye jor orean Dhewsiiies thiroueh this worl. Brother cond Sister Noone visiiing ioe churehes 1 rh rorthwesterin part of the Hite Ge the interest ol the preanl According Lo ino EAR I TE Devnidhil on Treiday ATL ye NEN a) plan to be oo ana Sabbath, at Pillaeer on Sanday. Solel tren We are nan - fist ol ten x1 ihe Enclish church on Sabbaly, 25. A boutismual service tor ar Maploewond] next Sabbath, May U0 ana wo amber will be held cdarine the weeks rollowine the cfiorts conducted be durin {he winder ond months. report tne AMisneap tis Anil olagt to af others next few evil mediates RI ETUNR ETS ERE ER CIN Brother Odeeaard pe week from the ! Coltyill and coliortenrs doa held ar Union Coles. Ie reports thorn the prospeoers ore coud Tor student eolporieurs this gmoney, Trent those fon wortllol be will student col their Soom ower the anc de sives to heavy hin conference who ng to entertain oo - al norteur In weekends daring thie aunts Wil suelh please weie ro MD ETERS FRA BETTI IEEE