OUNTS #4" THRONE ‘By Robert L. Boothby it? The Bible needs no one to defend it. As one has nicely illustrated, to try to defend the Bible is like caging a lion and then putting poodle dogs on the outside to defend the lion. The lion can defend itself, if let out of its cage; so can the Bible answer its critics, when given a chance to speak. The trouble is that some men do all the talking and give the Bible no chance to talk. Isaiah represents God as saying: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8, 9. The Bible claims to be a ‘thus saith the Lord.” (2 Timothy 3:16; Jeremiah 2:1, 4.) As God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, so is His book superior to all the wisdom and the under- standing of men. The Bible taught many things that the men of that day in which it was written did not believe, and today those teachings are proving to be scientific facts. Men used to believe that the life was in the air we breathe. Harvey, the discoverer of blood circulation, was the first one to prove that the life was in the blood; but Moses under the inspiration of God wrote this truth centuries before the wisdom of men’s thoughts had declared it. He wrote: “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11. How did Moses know this when other men did not believe it? The answer is, God spoke through Moses. Men for ages had believed the earth to be flat and the heaven above with its stars to be but a great dome. Men laughed when it was suggested that the earth is round. ‘‘The True Story of Christopher Columbus,” written by Elbridge S. Brooks, comments as follows: “By this time Columbus was a man. He was thirty years old and a great sailor. He had been captain of a number of vessels; he had sailed north and south and east; he knew all about a ship and all about the sea. But, though he was so good a sailor, when he said that he believed the earth was round, everybody laughed at him and said he was crazy. ‘Why, how can the earth be round?’ they cried. ‘The water would all spill out if it were, and the men who live on the other side would all be standing on their heads with their feet waving in the air.” And they laughed all the harder.”— Page 21. Diving THouGHTS IN HuMAN TONGUE (CENTURIES before men had discovered the earth to be round, Isaiah the prophet had written: “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.” Isaiah 40:22. How did Isaiah know the earth was round? The smart men of the day, the learned men, the scientists of his day, did not believe it. Did AUGUST, 1929 Herbert Photos, Inc. The *‘inner man’ of a robot, the thinking machine of modern science Isaiah simply depend on his own thoughts when he wrote his book? If so, then it would have been mixed with the errors of the day; but it stated scientific truths years before men had discovered them. This book was the result of the omniscient God speaking through the prophet Isaiah. God gave the message and Isaiah wrote the book. Toricelli was almost made a martyr for declaring that the air has weight and that nature abhors a vacuum; but Job inspired by God had written, “God understandeth the way . . . to make the weight for the winds.” Thus the Bible had declared the air to possess weight centuries before thinking men believed it. God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, and likewise the Bible, God’s Book, possesses thoughts that place it above the wisdom of the minds of men and give evidence that a divine mind has given a message clothed in human language. Prophecies are found in the Bible that predicted the future, years before the events took place, and these predictions in every detail have been fulfilled as the word declared they would be. In the second chapter of (Continued on page 31) PAGE FIFTEEN