ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. to show your interest in the proclama- tion of this message, and also to.encour- age your fellow-member to greater acti- vity. The great excuse with some is that they “forget” to report. Butin tracing this to its real origin we find an uncon- scious “lack of interest.” It is possibile for us to lose interest in this way and not be wholly conscious of the fact. Have you failed to report? If so, can this be true of you? Let us weigh this matter seriously and report now, because to- morrow will never come. : C. S. Prout, The New Self-Denial Box. For several years the Southern Mis- sionary Society has been putting out a self-denial box for the purpose of secur- ing funds for, the work among the col- ored people of the South. This is in harmony with the light the Lord has given-us through His servant. 1 quote “only a few statements from the great amount that has been given us on this subject. “My dear brethren and sisters, every- where: I wish to ask if you would not regard it a privilege to lay aside a cer- tain sum weekly for the Southern field? Will you not put ina prominent place in your home a box with the inscription, ‘For the work among the colored peo- ‘ple of the South?” Will you not ask “your children to put into this box the money they would otherwise spend for ~ candy-and other neédless things? When visitors come to your home they will see “the box, and ask in regard to it. Let the children tell the story of their effort to help a needy missionary field by deny- "ing self.” “Every church-member should cherish © a spirit of sacrifice. In every home there “should be taught lessons of self-denial. Keep in your homes a self-denial box ~ into which you can put the money saved by little acts of self-denial.” Just now there ‘is greater need’ than ever before that we should deny our- - selves and make a real sacrifice that this work may no longer be kept back for lack of means. There is a great dearth of laborers, but there are several now ready to enter the work had we means to --enlarge our force. I wish all would read pages 196-226 in the last Testimony, Vol.q. I will only quote a little from the closing paragraphs. ~ “Thousands of colored people in the South may now be uplifted, and become human agents to help their own race, if in the Signs of the Times weekly. * studies will cover almost every phase of they can receive the help God is calling upon us to give them. “My dear brethren and sisters, Christ is now saying to you: ‘Lift up your eyes and look on this Southern field; for it needs workers—sowers of the seed and reapers. It needs your means for the maintenance of these workers." The grace of Christ is unlimited, it is God's free gift. Then wliy should not this ne- glected people have some hope and cour- age and faith brought into their lives? There is sunshine in the heart for all who will accept Christ.” In order that all our people may have a part in this work, we have prepared a very neat and substantial self-denial box again this year. In place of the calendar we have several good illustrations show- "ing typical scenes in the Southern field, also some of out institutions which have been established for the uplifting of the colored people. “This box will last sev- eral years, and thus save the expense of getting out new ones each year. I am sure all will Be pleased with it. We are desirous of getting this box into the romes of all our people, and also into the homes of all those who would like to assist in helping carry the gospel to this needy race. Write us how many to send for your church and neigh- borhood, or to whom to send them. A.J. HAYSMER, 61 Lindsley Ave., Nashville, Tenn. An Interesting Study. A verse-by-verse study of that most interesting of all the books in the Bible —“The Revelation” —will soon be beguu These the Gospel Message, and will be of spe- cial interest to Bible students and those interested in prophecy. That the Signs is appreciated by the brethren in the field is evidenced by the many, letters that come to the office. Here is what one subscriber has to say about it: “l have read this dear old paper (The Signs of the Times) for twenty years. It has always borne witness to the “Advent Message" in all its fullness, and is still doing its work nobly. Ihave sold and am still selling it from house to house, and taking subscriptions for it continunal- ly. In my ministerial work 1 would hardly know how to wark without it. A young business man who bas just made up his mind to keep all the command- ments of God, and who has been reading the Signs, said to me as | handed him a 14 to July 25. copy last week, ‘How much is this pa- per?’ I told him and he answered, ‘Have it sent to me for one year. It is the very best paper I ever saw. Itis clean.’ “This man has made a success in business, and is a leader in the First Baptist church. He has now decided to obey and walk more fully in the light. The Signs has helped me to teach him the truth. This is simply one out of many experiences I am continually enjoying.” Are you a subscriber to the Sigus? Does your church take a club for gen- eral missionary work? If not, this is a splendid time to begin. Only soc for three months, goc for six months, $1.75 per year. In clubs of five or more, $1.25 per copy per year, oo Address your Tract Society, or SIGNS oF THE TIMES, Mountain View, Calif. Union College Summer School for Inter- mediate and Church School Teachers. Definite arrangements are being. made for the Union College summer schopl to be held at College View, Nebraska, June We hope to have, all the teachers in the Union Conference pres- ent, and are planning on the strongest help avaitable in the denemination, The announcement will be published ‘soon and sent to all who desire-a copy. “Ad- dress either Union College, or the Central Union Conference, College View, Nebr, B. E. HUFFMAN, Now In Print. The Bible or Tradition-—A Review of Dr. Torrey and the Sabbath, This tract has been out of print for the past two years. It has recently been re- vised and newly illustrated, making it one of the best Sabbath tracts obtainable. Inasmuch as Dr. Torrey is authority in religious matters among many of the churches, and in view of his attack on the Seventh-day Sabbath, this review of his position is highly interesting and should have an extended circulation. The tract is issued as B. S. L. No. 193; price, 2 cents. We have a supply in this office. Halley's Comet is to be visible this month. Six pages of the May Signs is devoted to this wanderer. This maga- zine has also an attractive cover design, and much readable matter, Its special subject is Commerce and Labor. It should have a large sale in this Con- ference.