ARETE vasa. Sacra 24-7 ctum; er. 1+. SNS 3), tu, ive. aot. ta patchy to sto drei. Sto xh vile MEE 4 confionsgo eoctytoprdain NG; psi, prumm, re. aot. tofirune treed, to dre pinct. | Spin Mlpmenile nut EX taste; tor Fel 10, be wise: ) pivigiiom; ire. act torake, to weed, to hurrat | ¢ bi by sim Ere. acts’ 20 scratch o or claw. ‘Désilio. to leap down, to alight, - : * Desultiya, =, f. a vaulting; a jumping 4 EN ~Resultor, ovis. moa vaulter, a jumper Ftom bi Borséio home, i Désultarius. a, um. leaping, jumping, vaulting, inconstaat, fickle, RINglster. adv. unwisely, foolishly. ~ wavering. enti, =. f. folly Dissilio. to esp hither and thither, to burst or bresk asunder. ¥, Oris. m. a taste, a savour, ‘a'retish. - cn .- Dissalto. sre. freq. To break and fly all about, to ‘oar from. pris Basilio, et Exilio. to leap out)’to stat up; tossparkle forth. ~ Exsulto; et Exnlto, are: freq. Tofisk out, to leap Tor jor, . brag or vaunt. % Exultatio, onis. fies Exltintis, » 1 Bing eo. 5 HINEDIO, * Exultantids. adv. comp, ‘more jocost ; REN Bi¥ni0. to dote, to Exultim, adv. with Jesps or frisks. , 7 Se = EH ientia, 2 fd . Exultabundus,’ §; vm like ove dancing forjoy. : i : * 10510. 10 leap in or pon Cd \e . Insyltiira, . f. a spri ing if, xleapitig upon. ER Eo a ta cite to ones with ae en. . Insulto, are. freq. To leap up, to bounce, to insult 0 or aoe, a = ia, ®.1 : Tepeatancs. ; a {mes again. | to deride or jeer. F SE Insultatio, Onis. f..a leaping up, an i Prasilio. to burst out af tears do, 40’ jump, st, Prasultiira; z. f, a leaping Presultor, aris. m: he that, leadeth the dance. Co - Prasul, tlis; m. the chief of the priests, aprelate, po Co Priesuito, avexfreq. To dance before. ~Presiltator, oris. m. he that dunceth before the sports begin. Prasilio. to skip out, to sally forth. - Résiljo, to leapror start back, to rebound, to recoil to ahr ink | in. R¥sulto, are req, To leap back, to rebo bound. - Substlie, to to skip or leap alittle, to start up Subsyltns, us. m. a jump, leap, or caper .. + Subsdltim, adv, by Jumps or leaps. co Subsyit. are. freq. To. mp,’ apr or apes. Stipersilio. to leap upon. Transilio. to leap over or beyond, ‘Transulto, are. freq. To leap or jump over, to vault: Saneio-r-from sanguis.' Serv. - : . - + Sanctio, gnis. f. a ratification, a decree, a pen statute "Sanctus; a, um. part. ratified, established, pass holy, awful, io Sancte. adv. solemly, inviolably, ‘holly, fevoutly. [oes FPersoncte. adv. ‘very solemnly; or deyoutly . : 8anctitas, atis. f. sanctity, devoutriess, holiness, inflacénce, to Sanctimdnia; 2. £. holiness, integrity, chasti ty. [tinence, cha § Sanctidquusya; ur. . speaking diffely. © 7. § Sanctuarium, i. n.anholy place; a Sgnctiparys © © § SanctifYco, are. act. Poh How, to gpctify,” ©. ° Sanctor, aris. mm: an ortlainer, an establiaher. oa IAAT RE pipiens, tis. ad. wits pi 'Sipienter. ady. wisely/di ‘Sipientia, x. f. wisdond. Perekpicns, tis. adj. YEW wise or or pad. -— we “ ; § i ih : fl | SE ERE EEE | in f a Ct :