Brocner Jo Re Tlezacr, Laxe Unien Confercones cavass ng Avent, wand |! Hoe *o Johnson, Field Decrotury of North Jicniyan, will pive dns-ract.orn in Irstitute ard T on ave Poem or zegusintane: with ‘rother Joinson fant thore irnsirucs og and practical worker in tree fisla to-day «0 1 feel perce Leon old 3f ov want to oon oovractical koovled oof canvass ing anu wo EOI Carl lor ot come vo the Iretioute an met our su Catlins Toury cen and Loung walen, do vou went aopona education? If eo, oni sLrortunitye Cems we The Tastitudte the 19h of April, got waterisinge out and sell S10C.00 worth of toca and cov will neve eurred a serclarchip in ax] ) [SE a Lak Lo hE rr Loa Y. or Aldean - ow ow Raldvin = = = = Codillar = = « = r1fns - a ee wm = Esca raha -- = = hJweids work their way or throe nontis Ne. We Vaubles Jus* that tho rhurchas UD next stating to many taker £11 IT he tn the sre Lo ogo, crphars & anueal Macinnory X ho “nro Ll LLdne rie oy given Lerner There is, “herafore, more $100 1 m PTO in BS PAP . Prices There will be berecafic fale as ARIES o1 TT TTY | . TITHE RECITES FOR * — 3 - 51Ze7 inslipgn = = = = » = ar - — - - = 27.29 Eastport = =~ = = ~ ——y PUN - oe = ~ Ze30 frankfort = = = = - ~ 5.00 Gerdord = = = = = = - =203 HANCOCK = = = = = = b | H | { . | ~ - 7 fos 2 3) [4 a ot Veraln = = = = =a = ~ = a5 Mericminen = = = = = Collage ants four Tt is dusired schacle Before ot vil PEALE “he NIWS Haskell Home [My mT ET ies SHEWT is being anu Jams: Thite Mo the ~ 2... sattath In: ve Lo Lake Union Corfs ric rut wrnifociur LIST 8] +n “+h £, and Lana cr only N "1 GAR nS VI ; = oe ot ar Tivo “nat “the comine, ished a lottsar comes Irom mocrisl Home , JELSR- ERY) PUG FU Or) LenB [I ttaa, ™~ i~ “yr J tom r LE LJ der idn ho n these 1 kK Sanita es cali S56 ™ AALS ERE Lia W100 e Jnevay - oe. om ow PoiLosKey = = = = - Gaty- 9] ad - - —- -— l Co ~~ [NS a 3 Ld 0a Jilling youn Tut in ful. tiae correspond mEnugclent have mse silvenro Te Core, Cle td Oe cd to nu ns of eac schcel. fudl vore is given To more ruling in the Pook, : f vi sizes, =) ana CC) 1707 - nur ut Rattle [¢X Ba Ald a ) ro fo [ ] — bo nt free, anc gc Fs iV 4 nT ly = Cltenlll as > io » * - [] EN LJ 3 ped bt . LAE, I SN 0 cnee to for twe with the President, Creck srt letters end askins ror the donstion to vhich plucc they is) Tron bh or, iistituti ic ™ Fr H br “VE LL Laadlyanr