New England Directory. OFFICERS. President, A. E. Place, So. Lancaster, Mass. Executive Committee, M. D. Mattson, South Lancaster, Mass.; K. C. Russell, 71 Wyoming Ave., Melrose, Mass.; D. B. Parmelee, South Lancaster, Mass.; H. H. Stacy, Leominster, Mass, Secretary and Treasurer, H. B. Tucker, South Lancaster, Mass. Secretary of Missionary Department, E. E. Miles, South Lancaster, Mass. Auditor, G. W. Palmer, South Lancaster, Mass, Canvassing Agent, H. C, Wilcox, Lancaster, Mass. New Jersey Directory. OFFICERS. President, J. E, Jayne; Secrefary and Treas- urer, J. W. Rambo; Vice-President, C. H. Keslake. Conference Committee, J. E. Jayne, C. H. Keslake, H. J. Adams, J. C. Stevens, A, R. Bell. Secretary Educational Department, Mrs. J. W. Rambo. MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALS, J. E. Jayne, 166 Godwin St., Paterson, N. J. C. H. Keslake, 181 Albion Ave., Paterson, N. J. J. C. Stevens, 384 Littleton Ave., Newark, N. J. MINISTERIAL LICENSE. A. R Bell, 419 Pine St., Camden, N. J. MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS, J. W. Rambo, 472 Union Ave. Paterson, N. J. : Mrs. J. W. Rambo, 472 Union Ave., Pater. son, N. J. New York Directory. OFFICERS. President, G. B. Thompson; Vice-President, A. O. Burrill; Secretary and Treasurer, T. E. Bowen. Executive Committee, G. B. Thompson, A. O, Burrill, S. B. Whitney, N.S. Washbond, Irving Whitford. Tract Society Department—Secretary and Treasurer, 'T. E. Bowen, Sabbath-school Department—Secretary, Mrs. Delia A. Thompson. + State Agent, B. B. Noftsger. Officers’ Addvess, 31'T West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y, Pennsylvania Directory. OFFICERS. President, R, A. Underwood, 246 West Twenty-third St., Erie; Fice-President, I. N. Williams, Corydon ; Secretary and Treasurer, W.M. Lee, Box 614, Wil- liamsport, Pa. ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER Corresponding Secretary, Wiliam T. Hil- gert. Sabbatk-school Secretary, Mrs. W. M. Lee, Field Secretary, F. E. Painter. 9 Hazlett St., Allegheny. Executive Committee, R. A. Underwood, I. N. Williams; C. F, McVagh, 1424 Olive St., Scranton; W. J. Fitzgerald, 27 North Thirtyfourth St., Philadelphia; Dr. A. J. Read, 1809 Wallace St., Phil- adelphia; V. H. Cook, Eldred; C. S. Longacre, Station D, Pittsburg. Vermont Directory. OFFICERS. President, J. W., Watt, North Wolcott, Vt.; Secretary and Treasurer, F. M. Dana, Burlington, Vt. Tract Society Department— Secretary and Treasurer, F. M. Dana. Sabbath-school Department — Corresponding Secretary, C. H. Drown, Barton Land- ing; Field Secretary, Miss Naomi L. Worthen, Taftsville, Vt, Canvassing Agent, A. E. Taylor, Browning- ton. Auditor, Atlantic Union Conference Audi- tor, , Executive Commitiee, J. W. Watt; George Williams, Taftsville; J. G. White, Jamaica; A. W. Boardman, Wolcott, A. P. Needham, Vergennes. Virginia Directory. OFFICERS, President, R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va.; Secretary, A. M. Neff, New Market, Va.; Treasurer, O. F, Dart, 2414 Church Hill Avenue, Richmond, Va. Tract Society— Secretary and Treasurer, A. M, Neff, New Market, Va. Sabbath-school Depariment— Secretary, Mrs. B. F. Purdham, Stanleyton, Va, Executive Committee, R. D, Hottel, H, W, AY Alantic Onion Gleaner, South Lancaster,Mass., Enclosed please find §..... ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER {go the following address : Payment may be made by Express or Post-office Money Order. Stamps, coin, and bills are sent at the sender's risk. (11) II Herrell, A. C. Neff, F. L. Whitehead, W. F. Davis. West Virginia Directory. OFFICERS, President, S. M. Cobb; Recording Secretary W. R. Foggin ; 7reasurer, C. E. White, Tract Sociely Depariment—Secretary and Treasurer, C. E, White. Sabbath-school | Department— Corresponding and Field Secretary,” Emma S. New- comer. State Agent, David Haddix. Executive Committee, 3. M. Cobb, W. R. Foggin; David Haddix, Newburg; J. W. Lair, C. B. Rule; Charles Sargent, Cullodin ; F. M. Gardner. Officers’ Address, 673 Seventh St., Parkers. burg, W. Va. mt CLUB OFFER NO. 1. GOOD HEALTH, $ 1.00 GLEANEER, 50 . $1.50 By taking both, you save .65 Cost of both per year, .85 CLUB OFFER NO. 2. LIFE BOAT, 25 GLEANER, 50 TH By taking both, you save 5 Cost of both per year, . .60 CLUB OFFER NO. 3. BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL, 25 GLEANER, 50 75 By taking both, you save A5 Cost of both per year, .60