Sunday, January 31 Banana Splits! My brother, Dave, loved bananas. He imagined, fanta- sized, and drooled over big banana splits. Although he had never seen or tasted one, he built up an idea of what it would be like if he could actually eat one all by himself. He would listen with envy as his grade school buddies would describe their love for banana splits. He pondered the “I do not think you’d like it” routine my parents gave every time he asked for a banana split. And reasoned that they thought it was probably too big, too sweet, and too delicious for him to eat all on his own. (But didn’t they know that was exactly what he wanted?) He promised to be good, feed the dog, help the gardener with the yard work, and collect the eggs. Before long, Dave pestered Mom and Dad into buying him a big, sweet, delicious banana split. He waited with great anticipation for what he believed to be the eighth wonder of the world. As Dad carried it to the table, Dave's eyes gleamed with excitement. His mind danced with pictures he had created from his friends’ descriptions of banana splits. by Anne Lawrence The excitement vanished from his face as the dish was set before him. He stared with horror at the long deep dish in which his banana lay split open, smothered with ice cream, and oozing with thick sticky fruit toppings. A lone cherry peered over the edge of the mound of whipped cream, threatening to topple onto his precious banana. “This is a banana split?” he wailed. Dave is now in college. Together we laugh at his banana-split encounter. “After all,” Dave says, “banana splits are kids’ stuff. We are grown up and have more important things on our minds.” But have we really changed? Many times I've found myself telling God how much better off I'd be, or how I would serve Him more com- pletely, if only He would give me more of the things that I desire. In my mind I'd build up a picture of what I'd be like ifonly... But God says, “Trust Me. Those things will not satisfy you.” And I, in a frenzy to satisfy my earthly appetite, plead (just like the Israelites) for Him to give it to me anyway. Anne Lawrence is a sophomore at Union College, Lincoln, Neb. 55 INTRO- DUCTION Scripture: Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:4-34