A “All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All my being’s ransomed powers, All my thoughts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours. - “ Let my hands perform his bidding, Let my feet run in his ways; Let my eyes see Jesus only, Let my lips speak forth his praise. “ Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus, I've lost sight of all beside,— So enchained my spirit’s vision Looking at the Crucified.” CARRIE E. ROBIE. CHURCH SERVICES IN THE ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. IN all instances, unless otherwise stated, the first Sabbath service is Sabbath-school BosToON, Mass.—Deacon Hall, 1651 Wash- ington Street. Public services: Sabbath, Sab- bath-school 1:30 pM, preaching 2:30 p.m. K. C. Russell, Elder, BrookLynN, ENcLIsH.—Hart’s Hall, 1028 Gates Avenue, near Broadway. Public ser- vices: Sabbath 10 and 11 a M. Geo. A. King, Llder. HAVERHILL, Mass.—14 Water Street, Public services: Sabbath 1:30 and 2:30 P.M., Sunday 7:30 P.M. Jersey Crrv, No. 2—Edgar’s Hall, 94 Hutton Corner, Central Avenue. Public Services: Sabbath 2:30 and 3:30 », Mm. LoweLL, Mass.—Highland Hall, Branch Street. Public services: Sabbath 2 and 3 P.M. Nasuuva, N. H—Good Templars’ Hall, Beasom Block, Main Street. Public ser- vices, Sabbath 9 and 10 A. Mm. N. O. Pres- cott, Elder. NEw BEDFORD, Mass— Willow Street Chapel. Public services: Sabbath 10:30 AM. and 12m, F. H. Tripp, Elder. Take a northward bound Mt, Pleasant car, and get off at Willow Street. ' York, No. 1.—159th East 112th Public services: Sabbath'9:30 and 11 a.m. Doctor E, H. M. Sell, Elder. NEw York, No. 2.—Etris Hall, 132 West 23rd Street. Public services: Sab- bath 2 and 3 p.M. John J. Kennedy, Eider. NEw YORK, No. 3.—Metropolitan Ly- ceum, 313 West 59th Street (near Grand Cir- cle). Public services: Sabbath 10 and 11 AM, S, N. Haskell, Klder. New York, BrRoNX.—1302 Stebbins Av- enue, near 169th Street. Public services: Sabbath 10 and 11 A.M. NEw YORK, FIRST GERMAN.—Renway Hall, corner Broadway and Willoughby NEw Street. ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER Avenue, Brooklyn. Public services: Sabbath 10 and 11 a.m, O, E. Rienke, Elder. NEw YORK,SCANDINAVIAN.— Nineteenth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Brooklyn. Public services: Sabbath 10 and 11:30 a.m. C. Meleen, Elder. Office 256 Nineteenth Street. Pawtucker, R. I.—Kenyon Block, Broad Street. Sabbath 2 and 3 P.M, Public services: ProvIDENCE, R. I.—Arcanum Hall, Wey- bosset Street, two dodrs above Eddy St. Public services: Sabbath 2 and 3 P.M. PORTLAND, MAINE.—Morton’s Hall, 1577 Washington, Avenue (North Deering). Public services: Sabbath 2:30 and3:30 p.m, Ricumonnp, VA—Corner of 25th and Clay Streets, Public services: Sabbath 11 aM. and 12 m., preaching Sunday 8 p.M. and prayer and praise meeting Thursday 8 r.M. Elder H. W. Herrell, Pastor. WORCESTER, Mass.—Day Building on Main Street. Public services: Sabbath 1.30 and 3 p.m. - = r-— WanNTED.~—To correspond with woman, without children, who would like a situation as housekeeper and to care for an aged lady. Address D. T. Kimball, Hudson Center, N. H. A — WanTED.— Early in August a capa ble young woman to do housework in a Seventh-day Adventist farm home. Two children, one an infant. Wages moderate, Address Mrs. Wm. N. Bartlett, 212 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, Conn. = Taal (11) 339 HEALTH FOODS. Edward W. Coates, 11 West 18th St., New York City, is agent for the Sanitas Nut Foods, and Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods, also New York agent for Ko-nut, a pure vege- table substitute for animal fats, and all kinds of Nuts, Dried Vegetables and Fruits, also dealer in special Health-food Flour (wholewheat), etc. Freight paid a limited distance on orders of $5 and upward. a CLUB OFFER NO. 1. GOOD HEALTH, $1.00 GLEANER, 50 . $1.50 By faking both, you save 65 Cost of both per year, .85 CLUB OFFER NO. 2. LIFE BOAT, 25 GLEANER, 50 75 By taking both, you save 15 Cost of both per year, .60 CLUB OFFER NO. 3. BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL. 25 GLEANER. 50 . Th By taking both, you save 5 Cost of both per year, .60 PN INN td Atlantic Union Gleaner, South Lancasfer,Mass., Enclosed please find $-..- ee eee eee for which send the ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER to the following address : Street P.O. Payment may be made by Express or Post-office Money Order. Stamps, coin, and bills are sent at the sender's rish.