Address To The Public, And Especially The Clergy,: On The Near Approach Of The Glorious, Everlasting Kingdom Of God On Earth..; Judaism Overthrown: Or, The Kingdom Restored To The True Israel: With The Scripture Evidence of the Epoch of the Kingdom in 1843; Refutation Of "Dowling's Reply To Miller," On The Second Coming Of Christ In 1843; An Exposition Of The Twenty-Fourth Of Matthew: In Which It Is Shown To Be An Historical Prophecy, Extending To The End Of Time, And Literally Fulfilled; Inconsistencies Of Colver's Literal Fulfilment Of Daniel's Prophecy; The Chronology Of The Bible: Showing From The Scriptures And Undisputed Authorities That We Are Near The End Of Six Thousand Years From Creation; Review Of Rev. O. E. Daggett's Sermon Of "Time Of The End Uncertain," In The National Preacher Of Dec. 1842: Second Advent Library No. XXVI; Paraphrase Of Daniel XI And XII: Advent Tracts No. VII; Paraphrase Of Matthew XXIVth And XXVth: Advent Tracts No. III
