WDF-0014 St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital

User Collection Público
30 Items
Last Updated: 2023-05-08

Miscellaneous folder: 1. St. Helena, Cal. (article, Signs of the Times, 1877) (2 copies) -- 2. Letter to the stockholders of the Rural Health Retreat Association, Oct 1882, about a meeting to be held in Nov 1882 -- 3. Note on early history St. Helena Sanitarium / J. A. Burden (2 copies) -- 4. The program / J. J. W. (report) (2 copies) -- 5. Rules for employees of the sanitarium (list, 1885) (2 copies) -- 6. By-laws of the Rural Health Retreat Association of St. Helena, California -- 7. Changes at the St. Helena Sanitarium / G. B. Starr (article) -- 8. A memoranda of the propositions made to Dr. Maxson and his wife which they have agreed to (report) -- 9. Beginning of work at the health retreat (article, 1912) -- 10. Notes by J. J. Wessels, Jul 1912, about the program at the St. Helena Sanitarium -- 11. Notes from a historical sketch, Dec 1913, about events at the sanitarium (2 copies) -- 12. Letter from Helen Rice to L. A. Hansen, Feb 1916, about the statistics at the sanitarium -- 13. [Empty] -- 14. [Empty] -- 15. St. Helena Sanitarium, golden jubilee, 1878-1928 (publication, 1928) -- 16. Letter from Geo. W. Phillips to M. C. Lysinger, Apr 1930, thanking St. Helena for what they have done for him -- 17. History of the inception and early development of the St. Helena Sanitarium (report) (2 copies) -- 18. Announcing...a program and ceremony honoring retirement of the old sanitarium building (program, 1968) -- 19. On the trail of the pioneers in the west / Arthur L. White (article, 1968) -- 20. The sanitarium idea changes to meet needs / Ruth McLin (article, 1970) -- 21. Ann Landers' column buries health center in mail / Clarence A. Miller (article, Review and Herald, 1974) -- 22. Report of St. Helena Sanitarium at a business constituency meeting -- 23. Those were the good old days (100th anniversary of St. Helena Sanitarium, 1978) (2 copies) -- 24. A century of progress, 1878-1978, St. Helena Hospital and Health Center celebrates 100 years (program, 1978) (3 copies) -- 25. The H.E.A.R.T. program has changed our lives / Frieda B. White (article, Life & Health, 1980) -- 26. St. Helena begins new san wing / Doris Nasserden (article) -- 27. St. Helena Hospital and Health Center / Richard J. Barnett (article, These Times, 1981) -- 28. The history of Saint Helena's first jubilee / Robert Stephen Whalley (term paper, 1975) -- 29. See also referral note -- 30. Transfer sheet
Ellen G. White regarding: 31. Table of contents of words addressed to St. Helena Sanitarium / Ellen G. White (2 copies) -- 32. Notes regarding the early history of the St. Helena Sanitarium / W. C. White -- 33. Notice of sale, transfer of shares of Rural Health Retreat Association by W. C. White, Jun 1905 -- 34. Letter from M. G. Kellogg to W. C. White, May 1912, about the location of the St. Helena Sanitarium -- 35. Letter from A. White to Miss Franke Cobban, May 1935, about the visit of James and Ellen White to the St. Helena Sanitarium -- 36. I took H.E.A.R.T. / Arthur L. White (article, Ministry, 1980) -- 37. The health food work in Sydney; improvement in the spiritual climate of the St. Helena Sanitarium (Manuscript Release #1277) -- 38. Separate from evildoers, Dr. Burke (Manuscript Release #1307) -- 39. Pleasant California weather; personal health practices; writing Spiritual Gifts, Vol 4; keeping cheerful in trial (Manuscript Release #1371) -- 40. Reform needed at St. Helena health retreat; identify with fellow Christians, not with worldlings; an appeal to Dr. Burke (Manuscript Release #1338) -- 41. Mistakes made at health institution; no one is without failings; Christians are to help one another (Manuscript Release #1348) -- 42. St. Helena Sanitarium and other institutions to be denominational; medical missionary training schools; poisonous drugs, the role of miracles (Manuscript Release #1366) -- 43. St. Helena Rural Health Retreat not to be closed; divine counsel to be sought and followed (Manuscript Release #1447) -- 44. See also referral notes

This is a part of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office Document File. This file may contain a wide variety of materials such as manuscripts, correspondence, official or unofficial statements, newspaper or magazine clippings, research papers, small publications, bibliographic information, summary of research, or portions of published or unpublished Ellen White material. The file is not necessarily only about Ellen White; it may be on any topic related to Ellen White or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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