
筛选: 创造者 Boynton, James Worsley, 1855-1940; White, W. C. (William Clarence), 1854-1937; Poirier, Timothy L., 1964- 删除限定条件 创造者: Boynton, James Worsley, 1855-1940; White, W. C. (William Clarence), 1854-1937; Poirier, Timothy L., 1964- Source Edith Fitch Department of Archives, Burman University 删除限定条件 Source: Edith Fitch Department of Archives, Burman University 学科 White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915 删除限定条件 学科: White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915
